Olga Krykun uses diverse types of media in her art work, including mainly video, objects and painting, which she subsequently assembles to create complex installations. By combining elements of fictional narratives with references to real cultural and socially relevant symbols, she invents a self-contradicting mythology of our day-and-age. Her practice is strongly rooted in intuition, emotion and personal experience, the elements of which are approached with a distinct visual style and specific aesthetic, making her works reminiscent of surreal visions or a kind of dreamlike trance, resulting in a highly suggestive viewer experience.
"The underlying experience for Olga Krykun’s generation is 'post-digital intimacy', which manifests itself in the artist’s work by balancing on the borderline between the offline and online worlds, at the intersection of which she tries to find something meaningful and authentic. She combines with ease elements of pagan or Eastern-Slavic mythology and ritualistic practice, which on a deeper level speak about shared values and cultural identity, with popular culture symbols and products. What comes out of it is an excessive creativity and roughness that could be described as a form of feminist punk.” (Jindřich Chalupecký Award jury statement)
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Solo exhibitions:
2024, Woods, Yoyogipartypicnic, Tokyo, Japan
2023, Незабудки, Forget-me-nots, Niezapominajki, Ukrainski Dom, Warsaw, Poland
2022, Can you still remember this day?, Wanda gallery, Warsaw, Poland
2022, Forget-me-nots, Skala gallery, Poznan, Poland
2022, Kamenná křídla, Opero, Prague, Czech Republic
2021, The Garden of my hopes, online
2020, Four Trap Doors, Šachta, Prague, Czech Republic
2019, Dont Panic!, Galerie UM, Prague, Czech Republic
2019, EnjoyeTV, Gallery Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden
2018, Gylptodon Expert Interview, City Surfer Office gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2018, BAD FACE DAY, Sklad M1, Prague, Czech Republic
2017, 720/027, NoD, Prague, Czech Republic
2017, Freesome, Berlinskej model, Prague, Czech Republic
Duo exhibitions:
2023, Serenade of Shadows, duo with Masha Kovtun, 427, Riga, Latvia
2018, Basic Instinct Special Cheeeese, Dům pánu z Kunštátu with Adrian Altman, Brno, Czech Republic
2018, Basic Instinct Spesial Cheeeese, with Adrian Altman, Kreslirna, Prague, Czech Republic
2018, Basic Instinct Spesial Feat, with Adrian Altman, Pragovka, Prague, Czech Republic
Group exhibitions:
2024, Gemini Season x Cabinet Enamel, Marseille, France
2024, Festival současného umění Prostějov 2024, Czech Republic
2024, Anna Tran a Olga Krykun, Růžový salonek, Nový Jičín, Czech Republic
2023, Spring and Summer Residency Show, Hollybush Place, London, United Kingdom
2023, Summer Residency Show, Goodeye projects, London, United Kingdom
2023, X. Sympozium, Galerie Miroslava Kubika, Litomysl, Czech Republic
2023, Refugees Welcome - Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland
2023, Tracing the Geometry of Cyberwar, Prater Galerie, online, Berlin, Germany
2023, West Point 2023, Galerie města Plzně, Czech Republic
2023, Slippery Mnemosyne, Považská galéria umenia v Žiline, Slovakia
2023, Spring Warsaw, Pola Magnetyczne, Warsaw, Poland
2022, Cena Jindřicha Chalupeckého 2022: Vše pevné se spojuje ve vzduchu, Veletržní palác, Národní galerie Praha, Czech Republic
2022, Oheň a naděje / Fire and Hope, Galerie NTK, Prague, Czech Republic
2022, New Perspectives, Young Talents in Czech Art, Czech Center Seoul, South Korea
2022, ARTakeaway, The next stop?, Prague metro, Czech Republic
2022, Say Something Nice, Povaleč, Czech Republic
2022, IS IT REAL? The power of your imagination, Off the 2022 festival, Katowice, Poland
2022, Topograficke Lekce, GVU Nachod, Nachod, Czech Republic
2022, Blasts Cries Laughter, Pragovka, Prague, Czech Republic
2022, Colored lenses: Life Among Others, online, Yermilov centre Kharkiv, Ukraine
2021, Reality do you need me?, Four days, Prague, Czech Republic
2021, Apostasia: Rituals of Letting Go, Garage Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic
2021, This Mess We’re In, Svetova 1, Prague, Czech Republic
2021, NO ONE SURVIVES THESE EDGES, Galerie Favu, Brno, Czech Republic
2021, BLACK BEEMER > WHITE BOOMER, GAMPA, Pardubice, Czech Republic
2021, Vyšeart, Vyšehrad, Prague, Czech Republic
2021, Body Movement as a Space-Time (Dis)continuity, GAMU, Prague, Czech Republic
2020, DWELLING, Šopa gallery, Košice, Slovakia
2020, Soloshow: CHAPTER 2, soloshow.online
2019, Zhan yi, Yo-Chang Art Museum, New Taipei city, Taiwan
2019, The Martyr’s Tale, Sinkhole project, Pankow cemetery, Berlin, Germany.
2019, NEVŠECHNO/NOTEVERYTHING, Des Fours Palace, Prague, Czech Republic.
2019, Videokemp, Convent of Saint Agnes, National Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.
2019, The Shadow of Dream* cast upon Giardini della Biennale, Ukrainian pavilion, Venice, Italy.
2019, a river, a tool, an instep like a half-open book, Konsthall C, Stockholm, Sweden
2019, Comunite pasta fresca, Kulturní a řemeslný prostor Znak, Prague, Czech Republic
2018, ‘TB 2 RL’, +DEDE, Berlin, Germany
2018, Come dine with Adrian Altman, Tv Prima, Berlinskej model, Czech Republic
2018, ‘Quiet Chamber, Noisy Heart’, Holešovická šachta, Prague, Czech Republic
2018, KURS, Atelierhaus Klingental, Raum 103, Basel, Switzerland
2018, Fake Me - Break the Simulation - Be Awesome, galerie amu, Prague, Czech Republic
2018, Temporary Arts TV, Bistro 8, Prague, Czech Republic
2018, International Virtual Exhibition Unleashing Screensaver, online
2018, Supernova, Gallery NTK, Prague, Czech Republic
2017, I’ve painted the gate red, now I think red was the wrong colour with Adrian Altman and Jakub Hajek, korpus., Prague, Czech Republic
2016, Supermedia, Museum of Photography and Modern Visual Media, Jindrichuv Hradec
2016, Nevim, jak tohle dopadne, Galerie Sam83, Ceska Briza, Czech Republic
2016, AiC Stefle, Galerie bratri Spillaru, Domazlice, Czech Republic
2016, Young Art, STUDENT FEST Atelier Grid, Prague, Czech Republic
2015, Don’t. Just... don’t.’, Papirna, Pilsen, Czech Republic
2014, Intermedia OPEN STUDIO, galerie Ve stredu, Pilsen, Czech Republic
2013, Happening ‘Boobs’, NoD, Prague, Czech Republic
Screenings and performances:
2021, Springs.video, It is my country even though I do not belong here, online
2021, Walk with me, Divadlo Alfred ve Dvore, Prague, Czech Republic, online.
2020, SlowTV at Divadlo X10, Prague, Czech Republic, online.
2017, Fx00136302, performance with Max Lysacek, Hala 17, Holesovicka trznice, Prague, Czech Republic
2022, Jindřich Chalupecký Award, laureate
2021, Start Point Prize, finalist
2023, Rupert Residency, Vilnius, Lithuania
2023, X. Sympozium, Galerie Miroslava Kubika, Litomysl, Czech Republic
2023, Goodeye Project, London, United Kingdom
2022, Skala gallery, Visegrad Artist Residency, Poznan, Poland
2022, INI Project, Prague, Czech Republic
2015, AiC Stefle | Artists in Cottage, Czech Republic
Public Collections:
The Náchod Art Gallery
2016 – 2021, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Painting studio, Supermedia studio.
2019, National Taiwan University of Arts, MFA Fine Arts Departament
2019, Konstfack, MFA Fine Arts Departament
2018, The Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Temporary Arts studio
2016, The Department of Photography and Audiovisual Arts, T.E.I. of Athens
2014 - 2016, The Ladislav Sutnar's Faculty of Design and Art of the University of West Bohemia, Intermedia studio